Aggiungere una stampante
- Con la combinazione di tasti Windows + R si accede alla finestra di esecuzione dei comandi
- Digitare il comando shell:PrintersFolder e cliccare OK
Verrà aperta una finestra che contiene l’elenco di tutte le stampanti configurate sulla macchina. Ci basterà semplicemente trascinare l’icona del collegamento alla stampante interessata nella cartella shell:SendTo , dopodiché una volta copiata, potremo darle il nome che vogliamo.
Lista comandi Shell
S.No | Shell Command | Shell Command Description |
1 | shell:SendTo | Send to folder |
2 | shell:Start Menu | Start menu folder |
3 | shell:Startup | Roaming Startup folder |
4 | shell:Common Startup | Startup folder |
5 | shell:Recent | Recent items folder |
6 | shell:Roaming Tiles | Roaming tiles folder |
7 | shell:CommonVideo | Public user account’s Public Videos folder |
8 | shell:OneDrivePictures | OneDrive pictures folder |
9 | shell:PrintersFolder | Printers folder with a gallery of all printers |
10 | shell:Common Programs | Programs folder in the Start menu folder |
11 | shell:Camera Roll | Current user’s Camera Roll folder |
12 | shell:Templates | Templates folder inside Roaming folder |
13 | shell:InternetFolder | Internet folder (no longer available in Windows 11) |
14 | shell:AppDataDocuments | App Data Documents folder (no longer available in Windows 11) |
15 | shell:My Pictures | Current user’s Pictures folder |
16 | shell:UserProgramFiles | App Data > Local > Programs folder |
17 | shell:PrintHood | Printer Shortcuts folder |
18 | shell:MyComputerFolder | This PC folder in File Explorer |
19 | shell:ProgramFilesX86 | Program Files (x86) folder |
20 | shell:My Video | Current user’s Videos folder |
21 | shell:Common Templates | ProgramData > Templates folder |
22 | shell:NetworkPlacesFolder | Network page in File Explorer |
23 | shell:Public | Public user folder |
24 | shell:NetHood | Network Shortcuts folder |
25 | shell:AccountPictures | Roaming Account Pictures folder |
26 | shell:ProgramFilesCommon | Common Files folder |
27 | shell:SearchHistoryFolder | Search History folder (no longer available in Windows 11) |
28 | shell:CSCFolder | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
29 | shell:Recorded Calls | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
30 | shell:Local Downloads | Downloads folder |
31 | shell:AppDataProgramData | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
32 | shell:PublicLibraries | Public user’s Library folder |
33 | shell:ProgramFilesX64 | Program Files folder |
34 | shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 | Program Files (x86) > Common Files folder |
35 | shell:Administrative Tools | Windows Tools folder |
36 | shell:UserProfiles | User profiles folder |
37 | shell:PublicAccountPictures | Public user’s Account Pictures folder |
38 | shell:SearchTemplatesFolder | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
39 | shell:ThisDeviceFolder | This Device folder |
40 | shell:Cookies | INetCookies folder |
41 | shell:Local Pictures | Current user’s Pictures folder |
42 | shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts | Implicit App Shortcuts folder |
43 | shell:VideosLibrary | Videos folder |
44 | shell:ResourceDir | Resources folder |
45 | shell:Windows | Windows Folder |
46 | shell:Device Metadata Store | Device Metadata Store folder |
47 | shell:ThisPCDesktopFolder | Desktop folder |
48 | shell:Common Administrative Tools | Start menu Windows Tools folder |
49 | shell:System | System32 folder |
50 | shell:History | History folder |
51 | shell:Personal | Current user’s Documents folder |
52 | shell:Quick Launch | Quick Launch folder |
53 | shell:Links | Links folder |
54 | shell:User Pinned | User Pinned folder |
55 | shell:MusicLibrary | Current user’s Music Library folder |
56 | shell:Common Start Menu | Program Data > Start menu folder |
57 | shell:Ringtones | AppData Local Ringtones folder |
58 | shell:Original Images | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
59 | shell:AppDataFavorites | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
60 | shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64 | Program Files Common Files folder |
61 | shell:LocalizedResourcesDir | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
62 | shell:My Music | Current user’s Music folder |
63 | shell:Desktop | Current user’s Desktop folder |
64 | shell:AddNewProgramsFolder | Get Programs page in Control Panel |
65 | shell:CommonPictures | Public user’s Public Pictures folder |
66 | shell:ControlPanelFolder | Control Panel Items page |
67 | shell:SavedGames | Current user’s Saved Games folder |
68 | shell:Common AppData | ProgramData folder |
69 | shell:DpapiKeys | AppData > Protect folder |
70 | shell:SavedPictures | Pictures > Saved Pictures folder |
71 | shell:OneDriveMusic | OneDrive music folder |
72 | shell:CommonDownloads | Public Downloads folder |
73 | shell:GameTasks | Game Explorer folder |
74 | shell:Cache | INetCache folder |
75 | shell:PublicGameTasks | Public Game Explorer folder |
76 | shell:Retail Demo | Retail Demo folder (may not work on all systems and Windows versions) |
77 | shell:PhotoAlbums | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
78 | shell:Common Documents | Public documents folder |
79 | shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder | Programs and Features page in the Control Panel |
80 | shell:MAPIFolder | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
81 | shell:CommonRingtones | Ringtones folder |
82 | shell:Searches | Current user’s searches folder |
83 | shell:Programs | Start Menu Programs folder |
84 | shell:SystemCertificates | System Certificates folder |
85 | shell:Local Documents | Documents folder |
86 | shell:PicturesLibrary | Pictures folder |
87 | shell:CryptoKeys | AppData Crypto folder |
88 | shell:RecordedTVLibrary | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
89 | shell:Contacts | Contacts folder |
90 | shell:Local Videos | Video folder |
91 | shell:AppDataDesktop | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
92 | shell:OneDrive | OneDrive folder |
93 | shell:OEM Links | OEM Links folder (may not work on all systems and Windows versions) |
94 | shell:OneDriveDocuments | OneDrive documents folder |
95 | shell:HomeGroupFolder | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
96 | shell:Common Start Menu Places | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
97 | shell:AppMods | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
98 | shell:ConflictFolder | Sync Center Conflicts folder in the Control Panel |
99 | shell:CD Burning | Temporary Burn folder |
100 | shell:Fonts | Fonts folder |
101 | shell:CommonMusic | Public Music folder |
102 | shell:Captures | Current user’s Video > Captures folder |
103 | shell:Development Files | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
104 | shell:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
105 | shell:SyncCenterFolder | Sync Center page in Control Panel |
106 | shell:RecycleBinFolder | Ope Recycle Bin |
107 | shell:3D Objects | 3D Objects folder (may not work in Windows 11) |
108 | shell:LocalAppDataLow | AppData LocalLow folder |
109 | shell:SearchHomeFolder | Search results page in File Explorer |
110 | shell:Application Shortcuts | AppData Local Application Shortcuts folder |
111 | shell:Downloads | Downloads folder |
112 | shell:Favorites | Current user’s Favorties folder |
113 | shell:CameraRollLibrary | Current user’s camera roll folder |
114 | shell:Screenshots | Pictures > Screenshots folder |
115 | shell:SavedPicturesLibrary | Current user’s Saved Pictures folder |
116 | shell:Profile | Current user’s profile folder |
117 | shell:ConnectionsFolder | Network Connections page in the Control Panel |
118 | shell:Local AppData | AppData > Local folder |
119 | shell:OneDriveCameraRoll | OneDrive camera roll folder |
120 | shell:ProgramFiles | Program Files folder |
121 | shell:Common Desktop | Public user’s desktop folder |
122 | shell:CredentialManager | Credentials folder in ‘Appdata > Roaming’ folder |
123 | shell:SyncResultsFolder | Sync Results folder in the Control Panel |
124 | shell:AppData | AppData folder |
125 | shell:Libraries | Current user’s libraries folder |
126 | shell:DocumentsLibrary | Current user’s documents folder |
127 | shell:SyncSetupFolder | Sync setup page in the Control Panel |
128 | shell:AppsFolder | Applications folder |
129 | shell:Roamed Tile Images | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
130 | shell:UserProgramFilesCommon | AppData > Local > Programs > Common folder |
131 | shell:SystemX86 | SysWOW64 folder |
132 | shell:Local Music | Music folder |
133 | shell:UsersFilesFolder | Current user’s profile folder |
134 | shell:Playlists | (no longer available in Windows 11) |
135 | shell:UsersLibrariesFolder | Libraries folder |
136 | shell:AppUpdatesFolder | Installed Windows updates page in the Control Panel |
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